Renew Letsencrypt certificates for Red Hat Satellite 6 and Capsule

Letsencrypt certificates are only valid for just three months. The procedure to renew x509 certificates in Red Hat Satellite 6 is not so straight forward and its even more complex for Capsule servers.

In an earlier post I was writing about how to set up a Satellite 6 and a capsule using Letsencrypt certificates. This post is a follow up on that.

Be aware: You must follow this procedure before the certificate expires or the Satellite simply stops working, all clients will refuse to communicate with the Red Hat Satellite Server. This is a security feature, not a bug.

Obtain the Satellite certificate

This is straight forward, stop the httpd and just use certbot, you must use the -d parameter because for the capsule it will fail.

systemctl stop httpd && certbot renew -d

Install the renewed certificate into Satellite

You need to run the Satellite installer to make your certificate active:

satellite-installer --scenario satellite --certs-server-cert "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" --certs-server-key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" --certs-server-ca-cert "/root/ca-cert.pem" --certs-update-server --certs-update-server-ca

Keep the output as you need the oauth key and secret for the capsule.

Obtain the new certifcate for the capsule

This step must be done on the Satellite, not on the Capsule.

The only way to obtain a cert for a server different than the target is to make use of the DNS challenge.

certbot -d --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly

It will ask you to create a DNS TXT entry as a challenge to ensure you are in control of the domain. When your DNS entry is ready, hit enter.

Create the tarball with the certifcates for the Capsule

capsule-certs-generate --foreman-proxy-fqdn --certs-tar  "~/" --server-cert "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" --server-key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/" --server-ca-cert "/root/" --certs-update-server

The next step is to copy the tarball to your capsule:

scp /root/

Install the new certificate on the Capsule

This step must be done on the Capsule server

satellite-installer --scenario capsule\
                      --foreman-proxy-content-parent-fqdn           ""\
                      --foreman-proxy-register-in-foreman           "true"\
                      --foreman-proxy-foreman-base-url              ""\
                      --foreman-proxy-trusted-hosts                 ""\
                      --foreman-proxy-trusted-hosts                 ""\
                      --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-key            "The Key"\
                      --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-secret         "The Secret"\
                      --foreman-proxy-content-certs-tar             "/root/"\
                      --puppet-server-foreman-url                   ""

Feedback welcome…

Have fun 🙂

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