Using IPA to provide automount maps for NFSv4 home directories

Since the invention of NFSv4, automount NFS home directories is secure. Since the invention of IPA, its easier to set up and maintain. This article guides you trough the steps needed to set it up. The procedures have been tested on RHEL7.1 for the IPA servers, RHEL6.6 and 7.1 as clients but should work on Fedora and CentOS. Unfortunately it seems not to work (yet) for Debian Sid and Ununtu. [Update] Works in Ubuntu 14.04[/Update] Assumptions Your Domain is ….Read More

Identity Management with IPA Part II – Kerberized NFS service

In part one I was writing how to set up an IPA server for basic user authentication. One reason NFSv4 is not that widespreaded yet, is it needs Kerberos for proper operation. Of course this is now much easier thanks to IPA. Goal for the part of the guide Configure IPA to serve the NFS principle Configure NFS to use IPA Configure some IPA clients to use Kerberos for the NFS service Requirements A runing IPA service like discussed in ….Read More